How many chickens should I start with?
On average you want to start with three to six young birds to give you a steady flow of eggs while also meeting chickens socialization expectation. After chickens reach around two years old, they tend to slow down on producing eggs so you may want to add to your flock every year or every other year.
How much space do I need to give my chickens?
On average, one medium size hen needs 3 square feet of indoor chicken coop space and 8 to 10 square feet of outdoor space. The more space, the better!
How much can I expect to spend on starting my coop?
You should be prepared to spend close to $1000 depending on size of flock and coop!
What time of year should I start my chicken coop?
Baby chicks that are 6 weeks of age can start to transition to outdoor time as long as the average temp is over 50 degrees. You can absolutely start your coop in the winter months but be prepared to get them a lot more TLC then spring time!
What should I feed my chickens?
There should be a good mix of grain and fresh veggies and fruits that are chicken safe!
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