RX Products information
Some products on our site have the "RX symbol" next to them, which indicates they require a veterinarian's approval to purchase them.
If you order one of these products (Order will be placed on hold until we receive the prescription or Vets authorization.)
Providing us with your veterinarian or animal clinic name and phone number is sufficient.
make sure and include your pet's name and other basic information, we will them confirm with your Vet, prior to shipping your order.
You can also have your veterinarian call in your prescription to us, at 904-410-0214 8 am - 5 pm Easter Time, Monday-Friday. Your veterinarian may leave a voice message after hours.
Your veterinarian can also fax the prescription from their office. To fax a prescription 904-375-0405.
By mail:
You can mail the original written prescription to:
Piccardmeds4pets Corp
410 Blanding Blvd Ste #10
Orange Park FL 32073
If you have any questions or need help, please contact questions@piccardmeds4pets.com